How to grow rice

How to grow rice

How to grow rice

Rice is one of the world’s most important staple foods and feeds more than half of the world’s population. It tastes good and the various minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin B, copper, and zinc, the main nutrients that make up rice, are important for maintaining physical health and preventing hair loss.

Generally, rice grows in warm areas, mainly in watery areas, and grows in bunches. It is interesting to note that today there are more than 150 varieties of rice of the most original and recognized quality, most of which grow in the northern and southern regions of Iran.

At first, the rice husk is brown, but after being completely cultivated by various tools, it becomes Iranian rice. Iranian rice, as it is known, is a unique variety, but Damsia rice, Hashemi rice, Sadri rice, Tarem rice, brown rice, pumpkin rice, Ali Kazemi rice, and others are considered among the most important and popular rice.

In this article we introduce the steps of rice production with the best possible information.

How to grow rice
How to grow rice

How to grow rice

The first rice planting area is the sowing area, where farmers select the best seeds and plant rice. To be able to plant large and high-quality rice, many steps have been taken, and compliance with rules and regulations is very necessary. Steps of planting rice are the following:

Germination of rice seeds

The first and most important step in planting rice is when the seeds germinate. During this time, farmers dry some of last year’s rice in a better place.

At this time, farmers first pour a lot of water and salt, then throw the previous year’s stored rice into the water and salt, and place the light seeds in the water, allowing the heavy seeds to sink.

Heavier and more stable seeds are considered the best seeds for planting high-quality rice. In the next step, the heavy and fine seeds are washed with water, placed in a good bag, and the bag is immersed in sufficient water, such as pond water, for a few days.

After 2-3 days, remove the bag from the water, pour the seeds on the ground or carpet and cover them with a cloth. In about a week the germinated seeds are ready to be planted, in a field called Khazane. In general, the best time to plant any type of rice is April.

Preparing the treasury land and the mainland for planting rice

Prepare the shed about six months before the seeds germinate. A shed is a small piece of land where seeds are planted to grow. Farmers start preparing their tanks in the fall, cover them with manure in late winter, and then plow the land and collect other things like hay, straw, and weeds.

The last step is to cover the tank with water. One thing to remember at this time is that in addition to the national budget, the continent is also prepared. This land should be self-sufficient in sunlight and free of weeds and pests.

The stage of planting germinating seeds inside the treasury

The next step is to plant the growing seeds in a tank and farmers fill the soil with 3 cm of water, then plant the sprouts on the surface of the soil. In addition, to prevent the cold from entering, it is covered with nylon, leaving only the area open for oxygen to escape. It takes about 25 to 30 days for the plants to grow fully and then the farmers prepare for the final sowing of the rice variety.

Transplantation from the treasury to the mainland

When the plants grow up to 20 cm in size, they should be transferred from the bag to the ground. At this time, each seed and seedling should have 4 to 5 leaves to produce good quality rice.

For transplantation first they provide plenty of water to the soil, then carefully separate the plants from the soil and transplant them into the soil. Roots mustn’t break in moving.

Planting seedlings on the main land

The next and final step, moving the plants from the store to the field, is called transplanting, where the plants are carefully planted in groups. be The distance between each crossed sheaf and those around it varies depending on the type of rice.

For conventional rice plantation and a high crop yield, they must separate and sink the rice plants planted in the ground 2-3 cm. Today, the distance between each section of rice in the area is 20 x 20. For modified plants this distance is called 25 x 25. This step is very sensitive and directly affects the quality and good part of the last rice.

Stages of rice production

The rice that reaches the consumer goes through several stages, one of the most important of which is the production of rice that can be cooked from rice harvested in the field.

This is done in several steps. Rice harvesting is no longer done by humans as before, new combined machines work to collect and separate the rice seeds from the plants.

Finally, you can place a bag under the tank to collect the rice grains. However, when bags of rice are taken to the rice mill, certain procedures are performed before eating. Among the most important aspects of rice production, the following can be mentioned.


Stages of rice production
Stages of rice production

Drying rice or paddies

In the first stage, rice is taken from the field to the rice mill for drying. The moisture content of the rice at this stage is 15%, which decreases to 8% after being placed in the machine. Generally, the drying capacity is about 5 tons, and it takes 3-4 days to dry the rice. After drying the rice, let it sit for a few hours or a day or two to cool before preparing the next step.

Sifting rice

In the next step, the rice must be sieved to remove the dust and grain so that the rice is even and of high quality. This machine has strong suction and can remove dirt, dust, and coarse material, leaving the rice ready for the next step.

Separating stones or grinding rice

Another step in making rice is washing it. In this step, a special tool is used to separate the small stones from the rice. In this step, plants of different sizes are completely separated. After the paddy is washed, it is ready to be transferred to the threshing machine.

Peeling rice

After the first stages of rice processing, it is time to peel the rice using a special machine. At this time, the paddy fields became rice paddies. However, other measures are taken to increase the quality and purity of rice in the market and trade.

Whitening rice

At this stage, the second layer of rice, the bran, is separated. In brown rice, only a part of this layer is removed, but in white rice, this layer is completely removed. Harvesting rice bran for livestock and poultry feed is different from preparing it for human consumption.


Sorting is a main operation in rice production, which consists of separating grains with a different color from the original rice color using a tool of the same name.

This operation is performed using a camera called CCD. During sorting, the rice is transferred via an elevator to the top of the machine, and from there to separate bins.

All of this happens in front of the machine’s cameras, and the trash is visible. Debris and foreign matter are removed from the road by air pressure and sent to the waste deposit.

This step includes the separation of colored seeds, black-headed seeds, stones, etc.


The final stage of rice production involves packaging. Currently, rice is packed in 5 and 10-kg bags and sent to the market. Note that the type of rice bag plays an important role in maintaining the quality of the rice at this time.

Generally, the best rice sacks are spun-bond sacks. At this time, different types of rice are placed in the warehouses and sent from the factory to the market based on the orders.


Along with wheat, rice is an important crop in Iranian people’s diet, and large areas of Iran, especially the north and the Caspian coast, are devoted to rice production. Although there are many varieties of rice, the methods of planting and harvesting and other details, such as when the crop ripens, and what fertilizers and pesticides are needed, do not differ much.

Recently, rice farming has become more popular and many farming tools and inputs have appeared, making rice farming easier and more profitable than in previous years. One of the new ways to improve the agricultural situation is the use of aerial surveillance of agricultural land.

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